US Forest Service - Protect Arizona Jaguar Habitat from Canadian Mining Interests

  • por: Sue Lee
  • destinatário: Thomas Tidwell, US Forest Service Chief

The jaguar is a beautiful creature that is considered a deity amongst the Aztec and Mayan people because of their power and grace.  These agile hunters were plentiful from South America through the Central United States, but their numbers have plummeted in the US due to habitat loss.

Now a Canadian company's proposed Rosemont Mine threatens to deny these rare cats key habitat along Arizona's Santa Rita Mountains.
Situated in a National Forest, the proposed mining operations could destroy thousands of acres of jaguars' home range — even though the area is supposed to be protected as habitat jaguars need to survive.

Worse, the mine would be locates smack-dab in the middle of the habitat for El Jefe, the only known American jaguar in the wild. Officials have just released rare footage of El Jefe prowling his native range. Please watch this amazing video. Unless we act soon, it could be some of the last footage of this amazing cat.

Wildlife advocates in Arizona and across the country have mobilized to fight approval of a permit for the new mining project. Will you help encourage the US Forest Service to reject this awful plan?

Help save jaguar homes from devestating mining — sign and share this petition right now.

Dear Decision Maker, 

I strongly urge you to reject efforts to deny permits for the Rosemont Mine to proceed. This project poses a dire threat to crucial habitat for some of America's only remaining jaguars. 

[Your comments will go here]

Protecting the homes of endangered species like the jaguar is an important responsibility. I urge you to deny any and all permits that would promote additional mining in this important area for one of America's rarest animals. 


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