Demand the end of Pit bull discrimination and abuse

  • por: Davin Davis
  • destinatário: Underground Pit bull breaders and fighters

Today in the United States thousands of this wonderful and naturally loving breed are killed, due to the greediness of these terrible and abusive human beings. In recent years(around the last 50 years has been the most prevalent) the Pit bull breed has been bred at a very unnatural rate by dog fighters and or others involved in high penalty crimes to be fighters or to guard their properties such as drug houses where in both of these types of situations they are living in horrifying conditions. These conditions involve not being fed for days on end not having clean drinking water when needed, being physically and verbally abused and often being trapped in a cage or tied to the side of an abandoned building. Of those of us who have a heart and couldn't ever imagine this happening, it breaks our hearts and is quite sickening because it is, and 75% of these dogs who are involved in this never make it out alive sadly, never knowing what it was like to live a good life surrounded by people or other animals that loved them. We all need to know though that we are the ones who can make this end and be gone for good! IT NEEDS TO STOP! They need our help and are crying for help every single day while no one helps them. You will, by signing this you are acknowledging them and are putting forward the effort to help these beautiful and amazing LIVING creatures who just want to be loved and cared for. I hope you agree with this and sign A.S.A.P and so do the Pit bulls. Thank you for reading this and everyone have a great day... Thank you for your time and hopefully signature.

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