She Hoarded 60 Animals for Illegal Breeding and Exploitation Purposes

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: Washington state authorities
Authorities recently rescued 60 animals from a house in Washington state, where a woman had been illegally breeding them for her own financial gain. And it turns out she has a history of run-ins with the local animal control department in the past!

Sign the petition to demand a ban on animal ownership for this illegal breeder!

The animals seized included 36 dogs, 23 cats, and one large horse.

Illegal breeding of animals is harmful for a whole variety of reasons, but largely because it is a prime source of animal cruelty. Breeders often care very little about the health and well-being of the animals involved, because they are so focused on exploiting them for profit.

That involves forcing them to mate as much as possible, so they can create as many new puppies or kittens as possible - all so that the human in charge can sell them.

As a result of this focus on offspring-creation and money, many problems often emerge. This can include overcrowding in unsanitary environments, as well as emotional and medical neglect. That, in turn, frequently leads to health conditions and behavioral issues such as aggression, unpredictability, and even violence.

This is why it's so important for authorities to ensure that no one is collecting - or hoarding - animals, to force them to procreate for the benefit of human greed. We're so grateful that these 60 animals have been rescued.

Now we need to make sure that future animals are protected from this woman's greed and mistreatment. Sign the petition to ensure that authorities ban her from owning, living with, or working with pets again in the future!
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