Stop the annual Snapperfest event

  • destinatário: Mitch Daniels, Governor of Indiana

Snapperfest is an annual event that celebrates and cheers animal abuse in the name of family fun. It's an event where turtles are dropped repeatedly, carried by their tail, stressed out and traumatized by pulling their heads out forcibly. Please watch the following video to get an idea of what happens at the event.

The organizers of the event are claiming that most videos of the event that are going around are from the first few years, the event first started in 1996. The organizers also claim that no one is allowed to carry the turtles by their tails. But if you watch the video in the link above you will see that the shirt of the person who times the contestants says Snapperfest 2010 or 2011 and even the organizers carry the turtles by their tails (watch around 9:45 into the video). So clearly the claims by the organizers aren't true.

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