Please help assist with the Linn County sheriff's prosecution of Prairie View administration

I am a concerned parent of a child in the Prairie view school district. As you all know the Linn county Kansas sheriff's department is doing an investigation into things involving inappropriate relationships between teacher and students at Prairie View high school. Apparently the county attorney isn't wanting to go after administration who by law are required to report any indiscretion or complaints about inappropriate behavior. They knew that this stuff was happening yet even after years of concerned parents and students reporting things, repeatedly, NOTHING WAS DONE TO STOP IT!! A pedophile/ predator was allowed years of unrestricted access to our children by things not being reported AS MANDATED BY LAW. I am asking you please sign this petition to help the sheriff's department get everyone who has been/was/is involved held accountable. If those who we trust with our children cannot be trusted to do the right thing, where does that leave us? PROTECT PRAIRIE VIEW STUDENTS!! Please sign your full legal name and anything you would like the sheriff and attorney to read. They need to hear our voices, I'm begging you, please!! I will assure that the sheriff's department sees this. Thank you.

Atualização #38 anos atrás
I was so excited to see the number of people who have signed this already!!! I knew that I wasn't the only person who believes that administration should have done significantly more to protect prairie view students. They need to be legally held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. The more light shed upon this story, the more likely they will seek charges against the people responsible for allowing this to happen, continue and enable it. This environment must change!! It is beyond unacceptable! Please continue to share this petition w anyone you can! Each new set of eyes to read it, is a possible new signature! I am going to be forwarding the signatures collected so far to the county attorney. I really want to thank you all. #SavePVBuffalos
Atualização #28 anos atrás
I want to take a moment to thank everyone who has signed and shared this petition!! I'm asking you to please continue to share as often as you can. Every time you share it, a new set of eyes and potential support w more signatures and shares will happen. Please, we are almost to 80 signatures and counting!
Atualização #18 anos atrás
Keep the signatures coming! Please keep sharing, making sure when you do that you share it publicly. Thanks everyone! We can and will make a difference!
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