Isle of Man - STOP the death ships

  • por: Polly Folley
  • destinatário: Isle of Man Minister for Environment, Food and Agriculture Geoffrey Boot

We demand legislation to STOP and BAN the export of live animals destined for fattening or slaughter.

Every year thousands of live animals are exported from the Isle of Man. Some travel on to other countries. They suffer gruelling journeys, that take days, even weeks in often overcrowded conditions. During the journey they can become ill or injured, suffer stress, fear and pain. They often slip, slide and fall, arriving covered in excrement, Terrified animals can fight back and may be maimed, blinded or hoisted to the ceiling by their legs. All may be beaten or kicked.

Cattle shipped to the EU may continue to a third country. Now unprotected by EU rules animals have been recorded by journalists as being without food and water for long periods, sometimes dying on the onward journey and arriving at their destination filthy, injured or standing on the magot covered carcasses of animals that have died. In the summer months the ships can be very hot causing further discomfort for the animals. Without legislation it is not possible to stop this. Read the BBC report here

The shipments to third world countries including Turkey, Libya, Algeria and Egypt are increasing. These countries have no animal welfare legislation in place and practice inhumane methods of slaughter that include being:

1. hoisted to the ceiling by one rear leg when fully conscious and slaughtered.

2. deliberately injured, tendons cut to restrict movement when handling.

3. restrained fully conscious bulls hacked to slit their throats.

4 restrained and hit with a sledgehammer.

5. blinded by being stabbed in the eyes.

Please watch the videos of treatment outside the EU here….

Atualização #15 anos atrás
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