Save the Animals in Bibb County/MAC

  • destinatário:  Chairman, Bibb County Board of Commissioners (Sam Hart) Bibb County Board of Commissioners (Lonzy Edwards) Bibb County Board of Commissioners (Bert Bivins) Bibb County Board of Commissioners (Elmo Richardson) Bibb County Board of Com

Everything that has happened at MAC (now renamed as if the animals' welfare was a concern) has been shady and underhanded. Biggs was hired at a salary of more than $10,000 per month as a consultant, but she has forced out volunteers, banned others, and her actions were instrumental in Van Vandewalker's resignation. Vandewalker was the best thing to ever happen to MAC, with the shelter going more than 9 weeks without euthanizing any animals. Since Bibb County took control of the shelter, and brought in Biggs as a "consultant," several dozen animals have been euthanized, including at least 4 the day after she stated that no animals would be euthanized after rescue groups pulled enough animals to bring down the total to below the state maximum. The four dogs that were euthanized were reported to either have mange (which is entirely treatable) or were aggressive. However, these "aggressive" dogs had been taken care of by shelter workers and volunteers, with no evidence presented that they were unadoptable.

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