Demand MetroHealth Stop Torturing Animals and Send Them to Sanctuaries to Live Out Their Lives!

  • por: Terry R
  • destinatário: Akram Boutros, MD, FACHE, has served as president and CEO of The MetroHealth System since 2013.[33]

The MetroHealth System, based out of Cleveland, Ohio, is known to torture pigs, and other animals, in their Rammelkamp building. They test the animals' tolerance for pain. Their dead bodies are then thrown into a dumpster, or incinerator, when they can no longer be used.  Pigs are commonly used by MetroHealth staff for testing. 

Pigs are known to be the fourth most intelligent animal on the planet. They are incredibly social and form close bonds with each other. When they are trained, pigs can learn their names at just two to three weeks old. They can learn to respond when called and learn tricks faster than dogs. 

Read about bones fround in a dumpster at their main campus:

And animals are burned in the campus incinerator:

"Clinton previously worked at MetroHealth and alleged she became ill after an October 7, 1999 incident at the hospital where smoke emanated from a chimney connected to the hospital's on-site morgue incinerator, but the items in the incinerator (test animal corpses) had not completely combusted."

Demandl MetroHealth stop their inhumane treatment of animals now! And send the remaining tortured animals to sanctuaries so they can live out their lives - free from pain and misery!

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