Arizona- Ban Canned Hunting

Animals are trapped within a fenced enclosure from which they cannot escape, then people go in and pay a fee to kill those animals. Many of the animals used in canned hunts come from private breeders and zoos. These are animals that are indigenous to Africa or Asia, but they're bred here in the U.S. for this kind of activity.

Nearly two dozen members of Congress have co-sponsored a bill known as the Sportsmanship in Hunting Act, which would make it illegal to transport exotic species between states for the purposes of hunting.

The Safari Club International in Arizona has lobbied Congress and spoken out against bills that would make the practice of hunting exotic game in fenced-in preserves illegal. The organization based in Arizona is defending this controversial type of hunting that is against the law in Arizona.


The Honorable Jan Brewer
Governor of Arizona
1700 West Washington
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Telephone (602) 542-4331
Toll Free 1-(800) 253-0883 (within Arizona only)
Fax (602) 542-1381

Animals are trapped within a fenced enclosure from which they cannot escape, then people go in and pay a fee to kill those animals. Many of the animals used in canned hunts come from private breeders and zoos. These are animals that are indigenous to Africa or Asia, but they're bred here in the U.S. for this kind of activity.

Nearly two dozen members of Congress have co-sponsored a bill known as the Sportsmanship in Hunting Act, which would make it illegal to transport exotic species between states for the purposes of hunting.

The Safari Club International in Arizona has lobbied Congress and spoken out against bills that would make the practice of hunting exotic game in fenced-in preserves illegal. The organization based in Arizona is defending this controversial type of hunting that is against the law in Arizona.


The Honorable Jan Brewer
Governor of Arizona
1700 West Washington
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Telephone (602) 542-4331
Toll Free 1-(800) 253-0883 (within Arizona only)
Fax (602) 542-1381

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