Change DPW's Name to the Dept. of Human Services

It's time.

Pennsylvania is the only state in the country that still has a department called "Public Welfare." Everyone else updated the name years (or even decades) ago.  All we want is to change the name to reflect the mission.  

93% of what DPW does is Human Services, not "welfare."  The charter, the actual budget, and the mission are not reflected in the name.  We don't call the Department of Education the "Department of  School Bus Maintenance" just because that task falls under its jurisdiction.  

Even more, the expenditures in DPW's budget go mostly toward people who are elderly or who have disabilities - these are people who rightfully don't want to be associated with "welfare" just for needing medication and physical/mental assistance.  

Join us.  Sign your name to change the name of the Dept. of Public Welfare to the Dept. of Human Services.  It's time. 

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