Ban Trapping in Hamel, IL

  • por: Sarah
  • destinatário: The City of Hamel, IL

Trapping is cruel, barbaric and apparently still legal in many parts of Illinois. When an animal is trapped, it can languish in its cage without water or food for hours or sometimes even days. Theoretically the animal can then released outside of the city if it is wild, or it can be taken to animal control if it is a domesticated animal. However, many people who trap animals do not take these sensible courses of action. Horrific things can happen to the animal after it has been trapped. After witnessing multiple trappings by our neighbor and others in town, my family has decided to do something about it. We have contacted the mayor of Hamel, Larry Bloemker, to enact a law that bans traps. With your signature we can help convince him and the town board that banning trapping is the humane and moral thing to do.

This would not ban trapping when trap/neuter/release is needed or when a sick animal is needed to be captured. It would just ban individuals from being able to trap whatever they want/whenever they want and instead entrust it to an authorized animal rescue, or coutry/state government. 

Atualização #19 anos atrás
Thanks to all who have signed this! We are only a little over 100 signatures away from 1,000! We are hoping to reach 1,000 soon so that we can present this to the town board at their monthly meeting. Please share and tell your friends to sign! I appreciate it more than you know, and so do the animals! :)
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