Shut Down the Frikkie du Toit Safari Facebook page and Website

This website encourages people to come to Africa.  To go on Safari and kill endangered animals for sport.  Any kind of wild animal you can find in Africa are being killed.  Lions, tigers, Elephants.  This is a barbaric way for someone to make money.  It is sickening to look at the photographs of the smiling families with their kill in the picture with them.

To Whom it May Concern,  I became aware of your practices recently and was appalled by the killing for sport.  The sensless murder of elephants was the biggest offense.  I understand running a business is a dream for many entreprneurs, but, I don't agree that this is the right business for you or anyone else.  I want you to know that I have started a petition to shut your business down.  This is nothing personal against you.  This is only about the practice of killing wild, endangered animals for sport.  It is wrong and it needs to be stopped.  Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.  Good day to you. 

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