Stop GM crops in the UK

Just because some people believe the earth is flat, doesn't make it so. Do you know how GM crops affect bio-diversity? 

Please don't be taken in by the selective statistics of lobbyists parroted by politicians. 

Here's a link to a very cogent overview of the situation:

It's our world. Please sign this petition and promote it widely. Our world. One world. No Planet B.

Dear David Cameron: why do you want the UK coalition government to spread lies and half-truths about GM crops?

Just because some people believe the earth is flat, doesn't make it so. Farmers have been sold a pup with GM crops - they just don't do what it says on the tin! Why believe lobbyists and their manipulated statistics over the real-life experiences of indigent farmers who've been conned by agri-business.

Here's a link to a very cogent overview of the situation:

There is genuine proof that growing genetically modified crops does not improve the health of the environment, whether or not it has any short-term effects on human health. How many of your ministers or their families have a financial interest in the companies which have a strangle-hold on supplying GM seeds?

Do you know how GM crops affect bio-diversity? 

Please investigate the viable alternatives. They won't make the agri-chemical companies richer, but might help save the planet and raise welfare standards of the poor.

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