A Volunteer Group Gave Food to Homeless People. Houston Authorities Retaliated Against Them.

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: Houston City Council
Imagine spending hours preparing delicious, wholesome meals for people who are unhoused and hungry, only for the local government not to praise you, but to punish you.

That's exactly what happened to members of Food Not Bombs in Houston, Texas. Over the course of several weeks, police have cited the group at least 29 times - and the citations literally list the violation as "feed(ing) homeless."

Sign now to demand Houston legislators strike down this inhumane ban!

Each ticket costs the volunteer-run group $2,000, adding up to a total of $58,000 that they owe the city. Imagine if all that money could instead be used to feed more hungry folks? 

The Houston area ban on feeding unhoused people is over a decade old, and does nothing to meaningfully address the number of people without shelter in Houston. In fact, it simply makes the problem worse: not only do these folks not have a place to live now, but they are also forced to be hungry, too.

Houston City Council must strike down this awful ban, which literally punishes people for taking care of their hungry neighbors. Sign the petition now if you agree!
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