Justice for Lakeith Smith

  • por: Thomasean B.
  • destinatário: Millbrook, Alabama District Attorney C.J. Robinson

Care2 Update: An Alabama teen, Lakieth Smith, was just sentenced to 65 years in prison for a murder he didn't commit. Please sign and share the petition demanding an immediate retrial. 


Lakieth Smith was just 15-years old when a police officer fatally shot his friend A'Donte Washington after his group of friends were accused of breaking and entering.

Now, at the age of 17 and after turning down a 25-year plea deal this young man has been handed a 65-year sentence.

This is just another example of the gross injustices we face in this country. We can not let this injustice go unchallenged. Enough is enough!

Photo Source: Elmore County EMA

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