The local government has long since promised to provide care to the animals in Crete, they stated they will help but years later.. We are still waiting.
Animals are being abandoned due to the economical crisis and poisoned by local people who consider them a pest. In Crete religious people say cats have no soul.
pWe need to unite together to put pressure on them to help these voiceless, helpless animals, if we do not, who else will care?
We need to know, where is the state funded clinic? When will it be built? How soon will it be functional? How many animals will receive treatment there? What are your goals? Are you employing veterinarians who will accept low rates per neuter and are you utilising volunteer vets? Such a clinic is is urgently needed to tackle this huge problem and only a serious, concentrated effort of neutering the thousands of strays roaming the streets can work.
It is not only strays making the situation worse. Often private owners can not afford the neutering operation so their animals continue to give birth and these are dumped as new strays. The situation is now completely out of control.
Last year the 27,000 euro programme for neutering in Chania only dealt with a small number of animals due to high veterinary costs. To solve this problem you need to allow volunteer vets and those offering very low prices,from Greece or elsewhere, to perform the service so that the highest possible number of animals can be operated on.
The situation is out of control and affecting tourism (tourists are appalled at the number of thin, unwell animals on our streets, they go back home with a bad impression and the reputation of Chania is affected) and local life. It is cruel for animals trying to survive. Also, in their search for food and comfort they cause concern to people and can cause serious accidents.
In brief, set up a basic clinic for neutering and emergency care, allow those offering aftercare facilities to operate legally, utilize veterinarians offering low or voluntary services and set a goal to reduce the stray population by thousands. We want more than a token gesture.
Please give very high priority to this serious problem, it is worsening daily.
I understand that you have plans or have opened a clinic to tackle the huge problem of stray animals on the streets. How soon will it be functional? How many animals will receive treatment there? What are your goals? Are you employing veterinarians who will accept low rates per neuter and are you utilizing volunteer vets? Such a clinic is is urgently needed to tackle this huge problem and only a serious, concentrated effort of neutering the thousands of strays roaming the streets can work. It is not only strays making the situation worse. Often private owners can not afford the neutering operation so their animals continue to give birth and these are dumped as new strays. The situation is now completely out of control. Last year the 27,000 euro programme for neutering in Chania only dealt with a small number of animals due to high veterinary costs. To solve this problem you need to allow volunteer vets and those offering very low prices,from Greece or elsewhere, to perform the service so that the highest possible number of animals can be operated on. The situation is out of control and affecting tourism (tourists are appalled at the number of thin, unwell animals on our streets, they go back home with a bad impression and the reputation of Chania is affected) and local life. It is cruel for animals trying to survive. Also, in their search for food and comfort they cause concern to people and can cause serious accidents. In brief, set up a basic clinic for neutering and emergency care, allow those offering aftercare facilities to operate legally, utilize veterinarians offering low or voluntary services and set a goal to reduce the stray population by thousands. We want more than a token gesture. Please give very high priority to this serious problem, it is worsening daily.
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