YouTube: Take down horrifying video of hunter slaughtering bear with a spear

American hunter Josh Bowmar is featured in a horrifying 13-minute video just released on YouTube showing him killing a black bear with a homemade spear, proudly walking over to it, facing the camera, and saying "Oh yeah, I got mad penetration." He cheers with joy. He lifts the bear up to show its organs spilling out.

This is not a video of a hunt. It's a disturbing celebration of animal cruelty. YouTube should immediately take it down and suspend Bowmar's account.

Any video showing animal slaughter is disturbing, but Bowmar's video goes beyond celebrating a "sport". Even hunters are calling the video disgusting and lacks any respect for the life he takes.

Bowmar's video celebrates luring bears into the open by leaving food out as a trap. He glorifies the use of a spear, which can leave a bear suffering for up to 20 hours while it escapes and slowly bleeds out. He poses next to the innocent dead animal and congratulates himself for the life he has just taken.

It's currently legal to hunt black bears with spears in Canada. But Bowmar should not be given the satisfaction of bragging about the cruel means by which he killed this animal, and encouraging this behavior from other people.

The best way to teach Bowmar a lesson is to remove the graphic and disturbing video and suspend his account until it's clear he won't share other videos that encourage sadistic behavior. Add your name to this petition to let YouTube know you want this disturbing video removed and Bowmar's account suspended.

Dear YouTube,

I urge you to remove the video featuring Josh Bowmar that depicts him performing an act of animal cruelty, and suspending his account until it is clear that he will not repost the video or encourage animal torture via other video uploads.

The video he is featured in is not simply a hunting video. People who are in the hunting community are also disgusted by the video and agree that Bowmar's methods are reprehensible. 

I support freedom of speech but this is not a video depicting a hunt. It is a video celebrating an act of animal cruelty, which is not something that YouTube should support. Please remove the video to prevent Bowmar from encouraging similar acts of animal abuse.

Thank you.

Atualização #18 anos atrás
Update: Under Armour athletic wear has dropped their sponsorship of Sarah Bowman, thanks in part to our voices. We still want YouTube to remove this video, but our petition is working in calling out this horrible behavior. Keep sharing the petition!
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