Demand an End to Freemasonry Occultist Targeteg individual Kill Program Against American Citizens

    79 Fusion Centers in 50 States & Territories need to be Abolished & FBI Help Responsible for the Crimes They Committed, they are Terrified of going to Prison, & they Refuse to Stop their Treason & Levying War against the People. They Stalk, Target, Assault, Abuse, Attack & Organized Violence against innocent Americans Every Day, when they are Reported to the Attorney General & Highest Court, they Use their Freemasonry Membership as a Get out of Prison Free Card & Push their Occultism like a Drug Dealer. & Tell any Professional Person in Leadership the Same Old Story, “ You need to Obey the Order of the Garter, The King of Freemasonry or you will be Targeted & Your life Destroyed” they Push Freemasonry Membership like a Drug & it need to Stop. Freemasonry Membership do not get you a Free Pass to get away with Federal Crimes. No one is Above the Constitutional Laws. They need to be Removed from Employment ASAP Yesterday
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