Stop mass killing of stray cats and dogs in Morocco!

Authorities in Morocco are killing stray cats and dogs to reduce their overpopulation. They use terrible and barbarous ways such as food poisoning, shot guns... This happens in every city!

We really need to stop this horrible genocide of innocent animals. Instead of killing them like this and leaving their blooded bodies laying in the streets, sterilizing them and treating those with diseases is a great alternative! If their was a necessity of killing, they can do it in a more gentel and milder way.

We need to change the way we look at stray cats and dogs. As humans, animals are like us, they also have feelings and it is up to us to give them what they need and deserve.

If this mass killing continues, people will continue ignoring stray animals, treating them badly and thinking that "this is how they must be treated". This way, the miserable life of stray cats and dogs will never ever end.

Help us save our animals lives by signing and sharing this petition.

Let's give them a voice and be their advocates!

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