Stop Orangutan Slaughter in Borneo

According to Britain's Daily Mail, palm oil plantation managers have been shooting and killing orangutans to protect their crops. Other orangutans are killed when managers burn and destroy their forest habitats to clear land for plantations. 300 orangutans have been slaughtered over the past eight years due to palm oil industry expansion. 

Though killing orangutans in this manner is illegal in Malaysia, the managers' actions typically go unpunished. Orangutan numbers are depleting rapidly as a result of the slaughter. Please sign the petition to urge Malaysian authorities to enforce steep penalties for slaughtering orangutans and to remove the licenses of plantation companies that have killed orangutans.

Dear Malaysian Authorities,

We, the undersigned, are concerned with the killing of Borneo's orangutans in connection with the palm oil industry.

According to Britain's Daily Mail, palm oil plantation managers have been shooting and killing orangutans to protect their crops. Other orangutans are killed when managers burn and destroy their forest habitats to clear land for plantations. 300 orangutans have been slaughtered over the past eight years due to palm oil industry expansion. 

Though killing orangutans in this manner is illegal in Malaysia, we understand that the managers' actions typically go unpunished. Orangutan numbers are depleting rapidly as a result of the slaughter. We urge you to enforce steep penalties for slaughtering orangutans and to remove the licenses of plantation companies that have killed orangutans. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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