Put a full stop on animal vivisection.

  • por: Monika Kandwal
  • destinatário: The Chairman of Animal Welfare Board of India

Animal vivisection is a curse to animals. In animal vivisection, animals can be burned, cut, poisoned, mutilated, turned into drug addicts or alcoholic, given diseases such as cancer or arthritis, crippled, blinded, starved and brain damaged. In some cases they are not given anesthesia during experiments. There are several household products which are tested on animals to check how safe the products are for human use. Some of these animals are subjected to pain in tests of skin; others are killed while establishing the fatal dose of chemicals.
Animal vivisection needs to be stopped as soon as possible. As a human we all have liberty, in the same way animals also have the right to live and choose. It is not right to take the freedom or lives of animals just because we want to research. It is wrong to kill and make them suffer for us.
It is cruel to make these animals stay in cages for the rest of their lives and only be let out when tested. Animals are treated in a very harsh ways by the experimenters. Animal testing is arrogant and incredibly cruel, therefore it needs to be banned.

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