Save Ontario's Double Crested Cormorants!

  • por: Nicole Corrado
  • destinatário: Premier Doug Ford, Minister of Environment and Parks, Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry

Double crested cormorants have always been part of Ontario's wildlife. Now, the Ontario government will allow a hunting season for these birds, simply because people do not like that they are natural ecosystem engineers. Hunting is proposed most of the year, putting nestlings at risk. Hunted cormorants would also be allowed to rot. The province should instead protect cormorants, and educate the public about their important role in nature.

Double crested cormorants do have an impact on the tree and fish populations, but this is part of a natural evolution of a shoreline ecosystem. Cormorants are doing exactly what they are supposed to do in their environment. Therefore, I agree with monitoring and assessing their population and status. I do not agree with allowing the hunting of cormorants under any circumstances. These birds have been on the decline due to habitat loss, pollution, culls, and most recently, Newcastle disease, which is species specific. The proposed hunting season between September 15th to December 31st is too long.  The bag limit of 15 birds per day is excessive.  Allowing any hunted animal to rot is completely unethical. Animals are not garbage. Leaving animals to rot can create attractants and wildlife conflicts. Any lethal wildlife control leaves more room for more animals. A lethal approach is a lazy approach that does not get to the root of the problem. A much better approach to human conflicts with double crested cormorants is to fully protect them from hunting and culls, while educating the public about their vital role in the environment. No species exists without reason.

Atualização #44 anos atrás
Unfortunately, the Ontario government announced in August that up to 15 cormorants per day can be killed by hunters with a small game licence from September 15th to December 31st. Please continue to email the Ontario government, asking them to cancel this hunt and protect cormorants.
Atualização #35 anos atrás
POSSIBLE VICTORY IN THE WORKS! The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry agrees that the proposed cormorant hunt is horrible, and may stop it! CBC Radio is discussing this.
Atualização #26 anos atrás
The public consultation period ends tomorrow! Send your comments here, or email
Atualização #16 anos atrás
At noon today, December 20th, call in CBC radio at 1-888-817-8995. They are discussing this issue.
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