Corrupt and Destructive Judge Galluzzo Off The Bench, Now!!

Judge John D. Galluzzo has been destroying families and lives for at least a decade now. He continues to make illegal rulings and favors criminals in a family court setting. He has countless complaints, and yet, he still continues to rule in Seminole County. We are rising above, we are protesting, we are making a documentary of the factual criminal activity that we have evidence of, and we ARE going to get him REMOVED from his position as a local tyrant! Time for change people!

Atualização #56 anos atrás
Please contact if you would like to be connected with the group of John D. Galluzzo victims who are protesting Galluzzo and his corruption and exposing him through a documentary. We need as many stories as possible.
Atualização #46 anos atrás
John Galluzzo is actively trying to stop this petition and the mailers being sent out. He has his buddies in Florida keeping him safe from being exposed, but his corruption has grabbed the attention of some people in California, who have no care to be bribed. Justice is coming swiftly to Seminole County and all who are involved!
Atualização #37 anos atrás
We ARE getting there!! Thank you so everyone for speaking out about the corruption you have witnessed and the desire for change in our system. We know now, 2 schemes he is involved in now from the posts: 1. On the family law side, he only favors his attorney friends that ultimately puts children in abusive/dangerous homes and 2. He involves himself someway in guardianship/probate law where he sucks dry the inheritance from the sick and elderly.

Thank you so much and keep forwarding!
Atualização #27 anos atrás
"We need to end abuse, not put up with the abuse" - Wanda B. "This mess needs to end!" -Terry B "I'm a DV survivor but i didnt get the protection/help i needed When I wanted to leave my abuser from police or judge this needs to change"-Nancy G.
If we can not stop this judge, the abuse will never stop, not in our homes, and not in the court house. Thank you all for speaking out about your stories. Please keep sharing!!
Atualização #17 anos atrás
Thank you so much everyone for speaking about the injustice of Judge John Galluzzo on this petition site. Please remember to forward to your friends and family to get the word out and get him off the bench for good. Remember what we are doing...WE ARE MAKING HISTORY AND SAVING LIVES!!
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