Biodegradable cigarette butts NOW

  • por: Clara K
  • destinatário: tobacco industry

Did you now that all the cigarette butts lying on the ground in your city and parks aren't biodegradable? In fact they are made out of plastic fibers that slowly break down into tiny pieces, the so-called "microplastic" that pollutes our oceans and earth. The worst part about microplastic is that it's so tiny, that it is impossible to collect, once it's loose in the water or ground.

Every year 5,6 TRILLION cigaretts are smoked wordwide and 4,5 trillion of the toxic filters land in our precious environment.
The tobacco industy has to take action and responsibility for their products! Most of the consumers don't know what exactly their cigarette is made out of and the packaging doesn't give any answers.

I want the tobacco industry leaders to take a big step forward and replace their plastic filters with an alternative biodegradable one! It's not like they don't exist. They do and they work just as fine and even better because there are no chemicals involved that leak out of the plastic while smoking.

Please sign and share this petition!

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, commited citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead

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