Since the election of Donald Trump to the United States Presidency, hundreds of hate crimes have been perpetrated across the United States - and many have been committed explicitly in Trump's name. Sadly, Trump's hateful campaign rhetoric has emboldened some of his supporters to commit acts of violence against people of color, religious minorities, and LGBT citizens. Calls to suicide hotlines have dramatically increased since the election. Now, many Americans no longer feel safe in their own communities.
I am horrified by the level of prejudice and hatred that is apparent in our country at this moment. No person should ever feel unsafe because of their race, religion, sexuality, or gender identity. It is of the utmost importance that we respect and protect one another during this tumultuous time, and rally behind those Americans who may be targets of abuse. The vast majority of Americans will never tolerate such hatred and violence - we know that our strength lies in our diversity and are committed to respect and justice for all people.
In times like these, we need the police to get behind us in full force. Justice depends on police officers to report hate crimes, and for district attorneys to prosecute perpetrators. Now more than ever, we need all law enforcement departments to be on high alert to ensure that justice is served, and that we send a strong message that hate crimes will not be tolerated. That's why we're urging the Department of Justice to unite and make it clear to local officials that we all must take action against hate.
These are just a few examples characteristic of the violence that has occurred during the past few weeks:
Trump supporters in California brutally assaulted a gay man the night of the election, justifying their actions with statements regarding the new president. The victim awoke covered in blood in an alley after having a beer bottle smashed over his head.
Black students at the University of Pennsylvania were threatened in a racist GroupMe message from someone claiming to be "Daddy Trump." The account included racial slurs, a calendar invite to a "daily lynching," and images of past lynchings of African Americans.
A Muslim student at the University of Michigan was threatened that if she did not remove her hijab, she would be set on fire with a lighter.
Property across the country has been vandalized with words such as "Trump Nation Whites Only," and "Heil Trump," accompanied by swastikas. Some children are internalizing the hateful messages propagated by Trump, and incidents of intimidation have occurred in numerous schools.
Please sign this petition calling upon the United States Department of Justice to urge police to be highly vigilant for hate crimes, and ensure that all perpetrators of such crimes are prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Dear Attorney General Lynch, Community Oriented Policing Services Director Davis:
I am outraged and disturbed by the dramatic increase in hate crimes that has occurred in the United States since the election of Donald Trump to the United States Presidency. Between November 8th and November 14th, there were 437 incident of intimidation and violence targeting people of color, religious minorities, and the LGBT community. Calls to suicide hotlines have also increased since the election, as many Americans no longer feel safe in their own communities.
No person should ever feel unsafe because of his or her racial, religious, sexual, or gender identity. It is of the utmost importance that we respect and protect one another during this tumultuous time, and rally behind those Americans who may be targets of abuse.
I respectfully request that you take appropriate action to help all Americans feel safe in this country. Please urge police to be highly vigilant for hate crimes, and ensure that all perpetrators of such crimes are prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
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