Stop the Poisonous Otter Creek Open Pit Coal Strip Mine

The Arch Coal Company plans the largest newly proposed coal strip mine in the U.S. starting near the Powder River basin in Montana. If approved, it will have profound and unavoidable impact on fishing,  agriculture, wildlife, and water quality as well as on the way of life of the residents of the area.

Furthermore, the coal would be shipped via a newly built railway for mile long trains using uncovered rail cars through sacred Indian lands to Oregon and Washington, which would have severe environmental impact on the area including the Tongue River and the Columbia River.  Then the coal would be shipped overseas to Asia.

If approved, the Otter Creek coal tracts will have profound and unavoidable impacts on the agriculture, wildlife, water quality, and cultural significance of the Otter Creek Valley. - See more at:
If approved, the Otter Creek coal tracts will have profound and unavoidable impacts on the agriculture, wildlife, water quality, and cultural significance of the Otter Creek Valley. - See more at:
If approved, the Otter Creek coal tracts will have profound and unavoidable impacts on the agriculture, wildlife, water quality, and cultural significance of the Otter Creek Valley. - See more at:
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