To The Vanguard Group: We, the undersigned, are horrified by the level of gun violence in the United States today and the lack of concrete action being taken to address it. With over $4.5 trillion in assets, Vanguard is the largest provider of mutual funds and the second largest provider of exchange-traded funds in the U.S. It is also one of the top investors in American Outdoor Brands and Sturm Ruger & Company, both of which make semi-automatic rifles like the ones used in the Parkland school shooting and other mass shootings. As such, much of the nation's retirement funds are in part invested in companies that make semi-automatic weapons, making millions of us unwitting contributors to the violence we are so sickened by.
We insist that you divest your portfolios from these semi-automatic weapons manufacturers and will pressure our employers and companies we do business with who use Vanguard, including Autodesk, Clorox, Facebook, Google, Kaiser Permanente, Twitter, and others, to drop you as the manager of their employees' retirement savings plans if you do not do so within a short but reasonable time frame.
Atualização #46 anos atrás
Let’s take action! When students walk out of their schools on Friday to protest gun violence on the 19th anniversary of the Columbine shooting, let’s email Vanguard at and tell them we’re going to walk out on them if they don’t divest from gun manufacturing companies. Pressure is mounting on Vanguard to divest. Just this week, Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg called for a boycott of Vanguard:
Atualização #36 anos atrás
Saturday is the March for Our Lives ( Please join in and tell policymakers we want action to prevent gun violence! Also take the opportunity to tell Vanguard to divest from gun manufacturers! Carry signs like this--Vanguard: #DropYourGunStocks--at your local march, and please send me photos: If you're in San Francisco, join this protest calling out Vanguard:
Atualização #27 anos atrás
Today students are walking out of their classes to demand action on gun violence. Let's demand Vanguard take action! Email Vanguard or tweet to @Vanguard_Group and tell them to divest from companies that manufacture from semi-automatic weapons manufacturers. # #NationalWalkoutDay
Atualização #17 anos atrás
Please email or Tweet to The Vanguard Group TODAY asking the company to divest from semi-automatic weapons manufacturers. On Friday, another major investment firm, BlackRock, announced plans to offer clients a way to opt out of gun stocks. Meanwhile, Vanguard has been silent.