Demand that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service protect Mountain Lions

  • por: Aimee Merino
  • destinatário: U.S Fish and Wildlife Service

Earlier this year, a mountain lion was spotted in Kentucky. While Kentucky used to be a part of this animals natural range, it was hunted to extinction there. After contact with a human and a dog, the mountain lion climbed a tree where it stayed. It gave no sign of aggression and is believed to have been trying to escape. The wildlife officers killed the mountain lion because they were concerned that it posed a "danger to the public."  These wildlife officers seem to know little about and care little for wildlife.

Dear U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service:

We ask that you do more to protect Mountain Lions. Please retrain the officers who killed the treed mountain lion in Kentucky. These animals are actually native to that area but have previously been hunted to extinction. The loss of predators such as mountain lions leads to rampant deer populations. The fatalities from car accidents caused by deer far outweigh any potential threat from mountain lions. As evidenced by the recently killed mountain lion, these animals will avoid people and seek to flee confrontations.

Thank you,

Aimee Merino

Atualização #19 anos atrás
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service have not responded to our petition. We will send it again and ask them to protect our Mountain Lions!

Please take a moment to contact the USFWS and tell them that you support Mountain Lion conservation!
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