We need 4th season of The Borgias on Showtime!

  • por: Tatyana Karpova
  • destinatário: Mr. Neil Jordan and The Powers That Be

Showtime's The Borgias one of the greatest shows in a history of television. It has breathtaking plot about brilliant and vicious personages who changed world around them, it has a great cast with outstanding performance, amazing writing and soundtrack, and extravagant costumes. Do you need more?


The Borgias fandom and all people who watch and love great television must take action.

1. SIGN & SHARE this petition.

2. Please watch it on Showtime, On Demand and wherever possible.

3. Let Showtime know you love the show. Twitter, Facebook, official site.
You can also call or write your local station to show your appreciation.

P.S. These are the links to the website, and the FB and Twitter campaigns





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