Demand an end to child labor in cobalt mines!

  • por: Linda Daniels
  • destinatário: LITHIUM ION BATTERY MANUFACTURERS and Chairman of the Board of Director Albert Yuma Mulimbi

"Without laws that require companies to check and publicly disclose information about where they source minerals and their suppliers, companies can continue to benefit from human rights abuses. Governments must put an end to this lack of transparency, which allows companies to profit from misery."

Amnesty International and Afrewatch are calling on multinational companies who use lithium-ion batteries in their products to conduct human rights due diligence. They must investigate whether the cobalt is extracted under hazardous conditions or with child labour, and be more transparent about their suppliers.

Why are children being forced to mine for cobalt in the Congo? They are treated as slaves. Congo Dongfang Mining International (CDM) chooses to continue to use children for mining sometimes into small, poorly dug mineshafts that collapse and bury children alive.

CDM is a subsidiary of the giant Chinese mineral company Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt Ltd (Huayou Cobalt). All companies buying lithium ion batteries need to protest the Huayou Cobalt company. They know of the abuse but are greedy. PLEASE SIGN AND SHARE. Abolish CDM and stop child labor!

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