• por: Sandy Kraan
  • destinatário: David Attenborough BBC

Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe has been a wildlife reserve for many years, with numerous visitors from all over the world. In the dry season the only source of water in the vaste area of the park, for all the animals, are the waterholes. Here DISASTER has struck!! POACHERS have put SYANIDE into some of the waterholes. Yes Syanide, it is hard to imagine that anyone would be capabe of such distruction.

The RESULT...... herds of ELEPHANTS, with or without ivory, young or old have been wiped out, never mind the ripple effect this has had on all animals and birds in the area. How they died does not bare thinking about.

This must be stopped before it is tried somewhere else in Africa. The herds of elephant roam through Zimbabwe, Zambia and Botswanna, as food becomes short in one area they move on to another. The people of Zimbabwe already know what its like to suffer, but now the Target its wildlife where there is money to be made.

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