Shame on you Vietnam! Stop this cruelty for God's sake!

This scum needs to be put behind bars for what he did to these innocent dogs. He has been uploading provocative videos of him brutally killing dogs and smiling and rejoicing after he does it each time. This has to stop once and for all . Lets get a million signs and get this fucker arrested. The world is laughin at you vietnam for letting violence like this occur in your country. As we all know this is the 21st century and such violence is totally unecessary and totally uncalled for. We urge the president of Vietnam to shut down all dog meat markets and get this man arrested for good! this is the video of this bastard assaulting dogs .

This scum needs to be put behind bars for what he did to these innocent dogs. He has been uploading provocative videos of him brutally killing dogs and smiling and rejoicing after he does it each time. This has to stop once and for all . Lets get a million signs and get this fucker arrested. The world is laughin at you vietnam for letting violence like this occur in your country. As we all know this is the 21st century and such violence is totally unecessary and totally uncalled for. We urge the president of Vietnam to shut down all dog meat markets and get this man arrested for good! this is the video of this bastard assaulting dogs .

Atualização #29 anos atrás
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Atualização #19 anos atrás
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