Tell Republicans of America to put country over party, and support Harris NOW

  • por: Left Action
  • destinatário: Republicans of America

Dear Republicans of America -- time is almost up. Put country over party NOW, and give your support and vote to Kamala Harris.

  • Time's up for ignoring Trump's plan to rule as a dictator. He said it using his own damn words.
  • Time's up for pretending that the Republican party now is the one of 10, 20, or 50 years ago. It's a cult around one man, and it will destroy this nation.
  • Time's up for ignoring Trump's cognitive decline, which will make him even worse as a president again.

Your country is under attack from the enemy within -- Donald Trump and his followers. You need to defend it with your vote, and you need to rally others to do the same.

Republicans of America -- put country over party, and support Harris NOW

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