Investigate questionable activities at the San Antonio Humane Society

The San Antonio Humane Society had an alarming increase in payroll for a four year period of $786,212, and new hires were not adequate to account fot the massive increase. 

Payroll for 2010 was a staggering $1,681,559 for only 37 full-time and 15 part-time employees listed for that year. Regular hourly employees make only $7.50 to $8.00 per hour, and it is extremely questionable as to where the money is going. Nonprofits are required to make only reasonable pay to management.

A loss of $1,955,573 was reported in their 990 for 2009. However, the 2009 Annual Report that they show on their website and distribute to prospective donors did not provide information about that loss. The loss was not even mentioned, and donors relied on the Annual Report for information on whether to donate.

Sales of items restricted to be given to adopters of pets were sold. This is a violation of 501 (c) (3) rules.

Texas State Attorney General

We the undersigned are petitioning for a timely criminal investigation and public disclosure of records of the San Antonio Humane Society due to overwhelming evidence of misuse of funds and other questionable activities of the management of this nonprofit organization. We hope that all funds may then be used to save the animals the generous donations were intended for. The animals have no voice, and donors need to be made aware of the truth. Thank you so very much for your consideration.

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