Save the Green Backyard!

Our council members profess to be trying to make our city the 'Environment Capital' and talk about making our community more sustainable and green – at the same time they are trying to evict this grassroots environmental project – a place where anyone can come and share skills, grow food, make friends, gain confidence and have fun. It is a beautiful and inspiring place and hosts workshops and events, involving arts, music, crafts, discussion, martial arts and more. Why would the council want to uproot such a project? How is such action in line with their ambitions for a greener Peterborough?

The Green Backyard is used by schools, people with learning disabilities, people with mental health problems, single parents, the elderly, the unemployed and many other community groups. It is open to EVERYONE and has something to offer us all. If we allow the council to destroy this project there will be a gaping hole in our city’s environmental, cultural and community landscape.

Dear Cllr. Cereste,
I urge you to do everything in your power to preserve the Green Backyard project in its current location. It is a vital community space that is used and loved by people across the city, and from further afield. Its destruction would leave a gaping hole in our environmental, cultural & community landscape, and make a mockery of Peterborough's Environment Capital aspirations.

Save the Green Backyard!

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