If You Starve and Beat Your Pet, You Should Never Be Allowed to Own Animals Again

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office

When police responded to a domestic violence call in Jefferson County, Alabama, they found a small dog barely clinging to life. The sweet pup, who had been brutally beaten and was starving, has had to undergo thousands of dollars worth of treatments since he was found. 

Sign the petition now to urge Jefferson County authorities to ban this person from ever owning animals again!

Video footage shows that the dog had burns all over its body, with huge clumps of hair completely burned off and bright pink skin painfully exposed. No one who could do this to an animal should ever be able to get their hands on another animal, period.

Luckily, rescuers have taken amazing care of the poor dog and are trying to help him recover. According to volunteers at the shelter, this little pup is a fighter. 

A person able to inflict this much pain on an innocent animal should simply never be allowed to own an animal again. Sign the petition now if you agree!

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