Ontario: Protect Citizens' Drinking Water and Deny Nestle Water-Drawing Rights at the Middlebrook Well

Recently, Nestle Waters Canada outbid Centre-Wellington, a South-Western Ontario community, on a well that would provide vital water to the municipality. As a citizen of Wellington County, where the Middlebrook well is located, I am horrified to know that a corporation's need for profit is put before a municipality's need for water for its citizens.

The province could not stop the sale of the well but they can prevent the granting of a water-taking permit, essentially denying Nestle the right to pump the water from their well. This could trigger Nestle to do the right thing and sell the well to the municipality. We must work together to ensure this is what happens.

The province is feeling the pressure from the public to take action. Premier Wynne is scrambling to find ways to respond to public outrage over Nestle's water-drawing practices in the province. She has committed to reviewing the whole bottled water permit process.

We must act together to ensure that no water is sold from the well in Middlebrook. Sign today to show you value water for people, not for profit. By signing today you are standing for the right to water and water access.

To the Honourable Premier Wynne, 

As a someone concerned with water issues I am greatly distressed by the recent announcement that Nestle outbid a local municipality for access to the Middlebrook well. 

This water is needed by the municipality to provide water to the growing community. 

While I understand that the province was not able to stop the sale of the well you do stand in a position to deny water-drawing rights to Nestle for this well. By denying a water-drawing permit for this well you prevent Nestle from removing essential water from this growing community. It is essential that the province take this step to ensure water security for all the residents of Centre-Wellington. 

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