STOP eating cat and dogmeat in Switzerland! Create a law!

  • por: Tomi Tomek
  • destinatário: To the Swiss Parliamen and Governement

In several parts of Switzerland people are eating cats and dogs. here is no law who punish this tradition.
Please help us to stop this!
We need international support to create a new law.

Atualização #310 anos atrás
Dear friends of animals, it will take several month until we'll give this petition to the Swiss Parliament in mai ou june 2015.
But I've found some politicians of different parties who want to discuss with me he possibilities of a motion hey could dispose in the next session to give support to our petition.
Therefor its very important that you continue to sign and share this petition.
Thank you all for your international solidatity.
Atualização #210 anos atrás

People eat cats and dogs and sell dog-meat and the rhumatism cream that contains dog-fat.
In Switzerland you can meet these people espécially in the cantons of St. Gallen, Thurgau, Bündner Land, Toggenburg, Jura, and even in he italian part of Switzerland Tessin.
Please share and make people sign our petition in order that the foreign countries push at least the Swiss politicians to help us to create a law against these old brutal traditions.
Atualização #110 anos atrás
We really need your support. There was an announcement in Facebook of someone who wants to organise next week a BBQ dinner with catmeal out of the woods in Lausanne.
And someone called me to know where you can get fresh catmeat for this weekend.
It's time to make a law.
Help us ,o make people sign and share !
Thank you all
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