Petition for 100 Monkeys (Jackson Rathbone) to be on final Breaking Dawn soundtrack

This is a great opportunity for fans to join forces and petition for an incredibly creative and talented band, to record a song for the last soundtrack of the Twilight Saga franchise!  Whether you're a fan of 100 Monkeys, Jackson Rathbone or even a Twi-hard, this is something that we can all join in and vote for.
It is with bittersweet feelings that the world awaits the release of Breaking Dawn - Part 2, the final installment of the Twilight saga.  For many of us, the saga has had an amazing influence on our lives, and taken us on a journey.  One that has led to new friendships, adventures, self-discovery...and unexpected surprises.  Many fans are aware that Jackson Rathbone, who plays "Jasper", is an exceptional musician and plays in the Los Angeles-based band "100 Monkeys".  
100 Monkeys has attracted a strong, devoted fan base.  Many of us "found" the band because of Jackson's connection to Twilight.  We stayed for the music.  Ben Johnson, Jerad Anderson, Ben Graupner, Lawrence Abrams and Jackson Rathbone bring listeners into their world and enthrall.  If you haven't experienced the musical genius of 100 Monkeys yet, we invite you to visit their website, and listen to the Jukebox.
With this being said, we feel that it's only right for 100 Monkeys to be included on the final soundtrack.  We need your support to make this happen.  ***Artist submissions are still being reviewed/accepted.  100 Monkeys still has a chance of being included on the soundtrack.***  You can help by simply signing this petition.  Spread it out to your friends, like us on FaceBook, Tweet us or embed the widget on your website.  If enough of us band together, we will be heard - loud and clear!
Thank you for taking the time to visit our petition site.  We cannot do this without you.
With gratitude, 
~Your Fellow Fans.
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