Demand an End to the Limitations on film production in Dundas!

  • por: Kevin Ramage
  • destinatário: City of Hamilton, Arlene Vanderbeek

Dundas has just lost a BIG part of its identity as being a desired film location due to limitations that have been imposed on Dundas limiting mostly all filming productions. We need to stand together as a community to resolve this and end the limitations. The limitations take away from our culture in Dundas as a desired place to film and directly affects the local economy as many of the film crews do eat and shop locally while in town.  We can find a better way to support our community and still celebrate our culture and identity in Dundas!

We continue to run the risk that production companies will look to film elsewhere, NOT ONLY during the limitations but even after they are lifted.  We need to come together as a community to make sure we preserve our culture and address all aspects related to filming in our community in a positive and proactive direction!

We CANNOT allow this! Stand together! Get the word out! Talk with your family, friends and neighbours. Sign the petition and lets support our culture, local businesses and the wonderful film crews that put Dundas and our community on the Big Screen. END the limitations NOW!

Atualização #29 anos atrás
Hello everyone! We have had our voices heard. The councillor says that no limitations are in place for Dundas with regards to filming. So from a moratorium to no limitations! WE WON our objective but still lots of work left to do! Thank you all for supporting this cause and helping Dundas keep its culture, identity and Big Screen! We did this together! BE PROUD!! THANK YOU!!!
Atualização #19 anos atrás
Good morning everyone! We have made progress from August 1st, the day we woke up to a moratorium and film ban in Dundas. Town-wide limitations are still in place with the promise to do case by case approvals for filming. We are still fighting to remove the town-wide limitations and today Councillor Arlene Vanderbeek and I will be having a meeting at 12pm to have all your voices heard and to find a proactive way to move forward! More updates later. - Kevin Ramage
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