Please Support a Saanich Bylaws Variance for our new Vegetable Garden

Hello! We recently invested a great deal of time and money on commissioning a beautiful vegetable garden to help establish food security for our family and our neighbours. Due to the number of deer and other wildlife surrounding our home, the garden architects had to install a small garden protection and trellising system (fence posts with see-through netting) around the garden for growing vegetables to be possible. We have recently been notified that someone complained that this "fence height" in our front yard (the only place in our yard that gets adequate sunlight for the garden) violates a community bylaw, even though with our property being well below street level, the trellising is only 2 1/2 feet above street level at its highest point. 

We are applying for a variance for this garden, which we invested extra in to make it beautiful for all passersby, similar to the mural we commissioned on the side of our home, and which blocks no one's view of anything.

We are asking for our neighbours' support.

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