Ensure Stiffer Charges & Punishment for Animal Cruelty Offenders in DC

  • por: Sue Lee
  • destinatário: Council of the District of Columbia

Animals are not objects but living, breathing creatures with emotions and feelings.  Those who abuse these creatures are often heartless beings with no respect for such lives. In order to have an impact on society and stop the abuse, charges and penalties need to be severe enough to make a statement & protect animals.  The District of Columbia attempts to enforce animal cruelty but with exemptions and leniency. Read about some of their laws at http://www.dcbar.org/sections/environment-energy-and-natural-resources/cruelty06.cfm, http://www.straypetadvocacy.org/html/cruelty_laws.html & http://www.azhumane.org/get-involved/be-an-advocate/animal-welfare-legislation/

Compassionate and caring people know that mistreatment of animals is cruel and unjust.  Anyone who abuses an animal needs to be held accountable for any actions against these living creatures.  The disrespect of animals comes in all forms, from minor issues involving neglect to serious injuries, dog fighting and death. Whatever the extent, any offense against a living, breathing defenseless animal warrants no less than a felony offense.    

Along with the felony offense and appropriate consequences, the offender would be listed as a registered animal abuser that would prevent future mistreatment, ownership and encounters with any animals for a lifetime, guaranteed.  Strict measurements need to be taken and fully enforced in order to put an end to such animal cruelty.  The effort in this petition is to encourage state legislators in DC to implement and strictly enforce such proposed charges and penalties as mentioned.  You can help in this effort by signing and sharing this petition, adding your own ideas, thoughts and comments. 

District of Columbia State Legislators – Animal cruelty and abuse in any form should be taken much more serious than it has been, where minor charges and penalties were given, only to have repeat offenders.  Any offense against an animal needs to be taken more serious with no less than a felony count for each incident. Along with the felony offense and appropriate penalties, the offender should be listed as a registered animal abuser that would prevent future mistreatment, ownership and encounters with any animals for a lifetime, guaranteed.  Strict measurements need to be taken and fully enforced in order to put an end to such animal cruelty. 

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