Do Not Treat The Strays in Boracay Island as Pests

    Please sign this petition if you think the latest proposal of the mayor of Boracay Frolibar Bautista is an ignorant plan of rounding-up strays by auctioning their capture as if they are pests and giving rewards to catch stray dogs and cats.
    He is promoting Animal Cruelty.
    With the current situation, when people needs money, even their owned Pets, they would surrender it just to get 50, 200 pesos, chances are these people will physically harm the dogs just to catch them!
    What they gonna do with these Impounded Animals?
    They do not have proper facility, they do not have budget for the Food, they do not practice proper Euthanasia, they just inject sedative and buried them alive!
    KILLING HAS NEVER BEEN A SOLUTION! I don’t believe there is anything crueller in this world!
    Domestic animals can co-exist with humans. Why inflict suffering to the animals? Penalize those who are cruel to the animals, spay and neuter cats and dogs, embrace them as part of the community. Boracay is small island and Establishments can contribute to fund the SpayNeuter Program in partnership with the Expats, PVMA, PAHA or PPBCC who could offer a charity rate and in 4-5 yrs, we will hardly see a strays in the island!
    The greatness of the nation can be judged by the way how Animals is being treated!
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