City of York Council - stop the blanket ban on "A Frame" advertising!

  • por: Ol Holm
  • destinatário: City of York Council

We, the undersigned, urge the City of York Council to amend the proposed ban on advertising boards to ensure that it only prevents the placement of hazardous boards, or boards in cluttered or unsafe locations. For many smaller businesses, set back from main thoroughfares, these advertising boards are essential signposts, and taking them away would do enormous damage to the small shops we love.

Atualização #18 anos atrás
We've hit the 100 mark in less than a day! Thank you so much to everyone who has signed our petition.
We're going to be taking this petition to the Council, but if you'd like to help us have even more impact, you can:
-Write to the relevant Council Executive Member, Ian Gillies, at
-Write a letter to the York Press at

Thank you :)
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