Stop Animal Torture in Spanish Festivals!

On the second Tuesday in September, the town of Tordesillas in Valladolid, Spain, hosts a blood festival called "El Toro de la Vega." During the festival, a bull is released into the countryside followed by dozens of people who pursue the bull on horseback and stab it with daggers and spears until it collapses. A lancer then kills the bull, cuts off its ears, testicles and tail, and parades them around town on a spear.

This is only one of the blood festivals that involve gruesome animal killing and torture. During October fire bull festivals, burning wax balls are attached to bull horns and the animal is chased through town. In addition, up to 15,000 towns sacrifice animals as centerpieces during festivals. For example, chickens are hung upside down by their feet while townsfolk pull off their heads for prizes.

These traditions kill more animals than bullfighting, but aren't performed for tourists or the media. Unfortunately, European tax dollars are funneled into the events. According to Spain's animal welfare laws, animals may be mistreated for the purposes of these festivals.

Gruesome animal cruelty that occurs during these festivals has no place in civilized society. Please urge Spanish authorities and legislators to ban these cruel practices.

We, the undersigned, are concerned with the Spanish festivals that celebrate animal torture and killing. We believe they have no place in a civilized, intelligent society.

Blood festivals such as "El Toro de la Vega" and the fire bull festival inflict emotional and physical torture on bulls and, in the former case, gruesome deaths. We are aware that other animals, such as chickens, are brutally killed in games and centerpieces for Spanish festivals. In our opinion, animal torture and killing for the sake of entertainment is inexcusable, regardless of tradition.

Because these traditions aren't performed for tourists or the media, many Europeans are unaware of them. Unfortunately, European tax dollars are funneled into the events. According to Spain's animal welfare laws, animals may be mistreated for the purposes of these festivals.

We believe that laws must be changed to prohibit senseless harm toward animals for the sake of any festival. Tax payers dollars should not be used for this senseless cruelty. We repectfully urge you to create legislation to ban this type of animal cruelty and take action to prevent these festival events from happening in the future. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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