Buffalo Race in Indonesia: Buffalo bitten and scarred.

Bali is a lawless place, I've been to Bali  before but just learned from this TV channel (https://au.tv.yahoo.com/plus7/what-really-happens-in-bali/-/watch/24193894/tue-10-jun-series-1-episode-3/?play=1) how incredibly demonic this country is. The Buffalo are beaten during the race with thorny sticks, they are scarred from this year after year  as you will see if you watch the link I posted above and their tails are bitten to make them go faster. Bali needs a wake up call, please watch the video above link and sign for the Buffalo.

Dear Sir,

Iam writing to you today along with almost 1000 people who have signed a petition to end the animal cruelty of your annual buffalo race. The race is okay in itself but the cruel way the buffalo are beaten and bitten is against the rules of any humane person or government surely! I ask you to stop this race or to race without hurting the buffalo.

Yours Sincerely.

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