Antioch College: Please Stop Killing Animals!!!!

Hello 👋,
Antioch College in Ohio, USA, came into hot water with animal lovers over a programme involving the raising of nine lambs to teach students about raising "real food". The lambs are now presumed dead. These lovely lambs, who were sentient, feeling beings and probably had interest in living their lives in peace and happiness, who could have lived for up to 15 years if allowed, were killed unnecessarily for their meat by the college. This is unacceptable. These lambs were not vegetables or fruits; they were sentient animals. Teaching students about growing real food should involve organic crops, vegetables and fruits, not raising and slaughtering poor animals for their meat!!!
Some students possibly shared these views - many young people are now vegetarians and vegans. The demand for plant-based food is growing, with more vegans in the world now than probably ever before. Please get on the bandwagon and implement strict policies against the rearing of animals for meat, eggs, dairy and fish, against dissection and vivisection and against other animal cruelty by staff and students!!!
Thank you 😊.

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