Save the Koala!

  • por: Micaela Hase
  • destinatário: Australian Federal Minister for sustainability, environment, (Federal Minister Tony Parker) NSW Minister for Environment and heritage (NSW Minister Robyn Paker)

The Koalas in the Bellingen-Coffs Harbour Region represent the most significant population remaining on the Coast of NSW.  

Sadly their habitat and health is under serious threat from logging and urban sprawl. 

The habitat fragmentation - a direct result of logging - has caused such stress to these animals that many have begun to suffer the effects of disease; which was formerly rare in this population.

Logging in Tanja and Bermagui state forests have had similar devastating effects on Koala numbers, and futher logging is due any day now.

Koalas were recently listed as a vulnerable species under the NSW TSC Act and the Commonwealth EPBC Act. 

Despite this, REAL legislation to protect their habitat is yet to occur, and the threats they face continue to mount. 

Lets make sure our children and grandchildren will to be able to see Koalas in the wild!

Help us push government to legislate to protect and call a halt to the logging of their habitat.

Legislate to Protect Koala habitat in Coffs Harbour and Bellingen


I just signed the following petition addressed to: NSW and Commonwealth Governments.

I am urging both the Commonwealth and NSW Goverments to legislate to Protect Koala habitat in NSW by creating policies that exclude logging in areas of core Koala habitat- including private lands and State Forest.


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