The solution to the sea invading the coast and for global warming

  • por: Marcio Inacio Franco
  • destinatário: Human beings all over the planet, literary agencies and Charles III, King of England

The cause and solution for the sea that insists on invading the coastal region are the same [cause and solution] that have generated global warming, with many other pernicious climate changes.

I am teaching and proving all of this in my book RESTORING CLIMATIC NORMALITY, a sample of which can be accessed at  

I need all the help I can get to find a LITERARY AGENCY that can take on the aforementioned book [along with all my literature]; we need a LITERARY AGENCY with the potential to make the book a bestseller in many nations and languages, because the corrections that are taught in the book have to be carried out not only in my country, but in the vast majority of nations.

I need the help of every citizen [across all nations] who has an interest in restoring climate normality to the whole of Planet Earth.

I also need this petition to be brought to the attention of the environmental activist, the noble King of England Charles III, who has sufficient power and influence to contribute to finding the appropriate LITERARY AGENCY and to influence that the entire content of the aforementioned work be put into practice in the vast majority of nations.

The work begins by presenting the real and main causes of global warming, pointing to the solution. Each of these main causes has been overlooked or has not been perceived by contemporary man.

Since each real cause of global warming is not understood, consequently nothing is done to combat or eliminate that cause, and the problem continues to get worse every day, every year.

In other words, each main cause has not been combated precisely because it has not been perceived, has not been recognized. Thus, man has done nothing to combat the main causes of global warming and the resulting water crisis, using great effort to combat only secondary causes.

The scientific community across the planet has understood that the global warming, with its pernicious climate changes, has been caused mainly by the excess emission of CO₂ [Carbon Dioxide] from vehicle exhausts and industrial chimneys, causing the greenhouse effect.

But they are wrong! The excess emission of CO₂ from vehicles and industries is indeed part of the problem, it is part of the cause of global warming, but it is not its main cause.

The main cause, which has been overlooked by the scientific community, is demonstrated only in the present work, which also indicates the solution to eliminate that true and unknown cause.

An immeasurable, traditional and millennial human error is to refuse the real solution, just because that solution originates from a simple source, and does not originate from a great university or a famous PhD...

Let's not repeat this mistake at this crucial moment!

Márcio Inácio Franco
Self-taught writer 
Wisdom and Science in Literature
Bringing light to the obscurity
Scientia pro Vocatio - Donum Sapientiae
Rua Prudente de Morais, 507 - Centro
Zip Code [CEP] 37584-000 - Congonhal - MG (Brazil)
Email to contact: 
marcio10111 [at] gmail [dot] com
Cell phone [Whatsapp]: +55 35 9-9833-5639

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