Say NO to Brown and Black Bear Baiting/Snaring!

Help stop baiting and snaring of brown and black bears in Alaska! 

In a 900-square mile area of Game Management Unit 16B, the Alaska Board of Game has authorized baiting and snaring of both brown and black bears in an effort to boost moose populations, primarily for urban and non-resident trophy hunters.  Board of Game members have publicly stated that bull to cow ratios are healthy.  Regional Fish & Game supervisor Bruce Dale calls the program "an adaptive experiment."

Here's what this "experiment" entails.  Using a bucket snare, a bear will be caught by its paw when it reaches in for the bait.  Upon trying to remove its paw, it will find itself caught in a tightening loop of metal cable.  The bear will remain snared until the trapper arrives in as many as 3 days (IF he follows regulations), at which time the bear and any cubs with it will be killed.  

This "experiment" seems designed to see how much atrocity the Board of Game can commit before public outrage arisesIn 2004, wolf reduction efforts began in 16B; in 2007, bear regulations were liberalized in 16B; in 2009, a black bear baiting/snaring program was authorizedNow brown bears have been added to the program.  Meanwhile, urban and non-resident trophy hunting in 16B continues.

Help put a stop to these senseless practices before they become accepted methods of doing businessSign this petition to tell Alaska's Governor Parnell, Fish & Game Commissioner Cora Campbell, and Board of Game Chair Cliff Judkins that you will not put up with baiting and snaring Alaska's bears!

Please doublecheck that your signature has been accepted, and please pass this petition on to others who care.  Thank you!

Photo (c) Johnny Johnson
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